Checkbox Generator Terms of Use
We at CSS Checkbox are huge fans of simplicity and efficiency, so we've boiled our CSS Checkbox Generator's Terms of Use down into 3 simple conditions:
- Any and all images you upload with the CSS Checkbox Generator on this page MUST be legal for web embedding. This means that you either made the images yourself using a program like Photoshop, you had a friend or employee make them for you OR you found them on the Internet with an appropriate license for web embedding. You may find some interesting images for free at Iconfinder.
- Because the concept of community is paramount at CSS Checkbox, we reserve the opportunity to display your newly created Checkbox on CSSCHECKBOX.COM, in addition to being able to include your checkbox in one of our "User Contributed Styles" Packages. We maintain ownership of all images uploaded to this site and reserve the right to use any image you upload using this tool for any purpose we see fit.
- Similarly, we maintain ownership over and maintain the right to share any styles, text inputs, email inputs or password inputs you create with the CSS Text Input Generator.
- If you enjoy this service and wish to see it grow, tell all your friends to start using CSS Checkbox! Additionally, you can submit your ideas and suggestions to This Generator itself was a suggestion from one of our users. Consider Donating via PayPal so we can spend more time improving CSS Checkbox (in reality, "we" are a one man team--shocking, I know).